Hello From the Adult Side!

Erm… hello there…

I’m not exactly sure why I stopped writing here. I kind of started to feel guilty about it because nobody I personally know knows that this blog exists. Not even my cat… and he knows pretty much everything about me. He even watches me poop. Anyways… I was looking back at old posts from like a million years ago and then realized I have over 400 followers here who are probably dying to hear from me. I bet the suspense is killing you all…

Drum-roll, please!

I graduated college, and then briefly worked two jobs that involved taking care of children and serving food to cranky nuns with dementia. I finally bought a car! My parents separated and things started getting stressful and dramatic.I spent a few nights crying on my kitchen floor at strange hours (as I always do when things get particularly tough). Then I packed everything up and moved hundreds of miles away with my boyfriend and my cat to an awesome, huge apartment on the Hudson River. And now we are settled in and I am a preschool teacher. I get to change poopy pants all day and scold kids for picking their noses.

There you go, now you’re all caught up! Whew!

It is absolutely mind-boggling to think about where I was when I started this blog, and where I am now. I used to be posting here as an emotional, overly-dramatic teenager, and now I’m posting as an emotional, overly-dramatic adult. No, but seriously, things are so different now. Like, I pay bills, and drive my car to work every morning, and… get this… I converse with people. Yes, you read it here, folks; I hold actual conversations with actual people. *wipes a tear from my eye* I’m so grown up, now!

I don’t really know what else to write, and it’s past my bedtime. I don’t have teenage angst to keep me up at all hours of the night anymore, so staying up past 9:00 is a struggle like no other! Maybe I will post here again sometime soon. Maybe I won’t. I can’t make promises with this thing anymore.

xx Emily xx


The Big Move.

Today is the day. I have spent countless hours pacing my room, staring at the ceiling, and imagining the moment when I see him again. And now I’m down to one hour and I don’t know what to do with myself. Tonight we’re going to move into our home… we’ve both worked and sacrificed so much for this. We’ve been separated for months and it has taken its toll on our hearts, but it will all be worth it in just a short while, when we’re reunited again… for good this time.

I’ve been on autopilot this entire week. My family officially moved to their new house a few days ago, and having to go through such a major change so quickly has made me a little depressed. But today I feel more awake than I have in a long time. I’m excited to start this new adventure with my best friend. I know it sounds cheesy, but the closer he gets to my house, the more complete I feel. I’ve felt like a deflated balloon this entire summer, and now it feels like I’m being pumped back up with happiness the closer he gets.

Only eight minutes have passed since I’ve started writing. I’m buzzing with excitement and nervousness and I cannot sit still, oh my gosh. I love that I still get the butterflies after nearly 2 1/2 years together. I can’t wait to show him our new home.

Our roommates want to play beer pong with us tonight and have a campfire. It’s weird to think about how I can legally drink now and that I’m about to move into a place I’ve worked and paid for. I thought I was still twelve… wasn’t I just twelve?!

I need to hurry and pack my things because he will be here in less than an hour. This post was written just to pass the time, but I think I may keep it for future purposes.

Future, here I come!

Hi everyone,

I haven’t been posting as much as I’d have liked to this summer, but I’ve been working nearly every day and it’s so hard to find enough time to do all the things I’d like to do. But making all those sandwiches and pizzas is paying off, though! I’ve finally saved up enough for the final payment on our apartment and it feels so good! I almost cried tears of joy when I sealed up that last envelope of cash. It’s becoming more and more real as we get closer to the lease-signing. My boyfriend and I went shopping for kitchen supplies last week while here was up for a visit and it was way too exciting. I never thought picking out measuring cups and plates could be so much fun! But that is why the two of us are so good together… everything we do is the best thing ever.

It’s so crazy how much my life has turned around these last two years, all because I met a boy. The farther I get from who I used to be, the harder it is to believe that any of it was real. And it’s so crazy to think about how I’m going to be with my best friend every day after we move in. After spending two years long-distance, we’re finally going to be together for good. I don’t even know how to explain it… but every time I think about the future, I just get this huge grin on my face. It wasn’t too long ago that I couldn’t even picture a future for myself. Even though I don’t know exactly what my future is going to be, I at least know what direction I’m going in.

And I’m so happy.